Per capita, the United States employs many more prison guards than the rest of the world, and 35 per cent fewer police. [Marginal Revolution, 26th April 2016]

Since David Cameron became Prime Minister, the amount that MPs claim in expenses each year has risen 43 per cent. [Guardian, 17th May 2016]

Nigeria has more top-200 Scrabble players than any other country; Nigerian Wellington Jighere became world champion in November. [Wall Street Journal, 19th May 2016]

Japan has more electric car charging spots (including private ones) than petrol stations. [, 17th March 2015]

A typical 25-year-old made $43,000 in New York in 2000, adjusting for inflation. In 2014, a 25-year-old in the city could expect to make about $37,000. [Washington Post, 27th April 2016]

Wimbledon is the largest single sporting catering operation carried out in Europe. During the two weeks of the tournament, spectators will get through 190,000 sandwiches, 140,000 portions of English strawberries and 29,000 bottles of champagne. []

Toy weapons are now included in 30 per cent of LEGO sets. [Guardian, 23rd May 2016]