
Why can't we hear women talking about politics?

April 26, 2010
The BBC's Stephanie Flanders is one of the only female pundits
The BBC's Stephanie Flanders is one of the only female pundits

Where have all the women gone? This election has become a woman-free zone. Every time you turn on the TV or tune into Radio 4, it's chaps, chaps, chaps. We are drowning in chaps. Political chaps, expert chaps, chaps as commentators, psephological chaps counting, historical chaps contextualising, journalist chaps inspecting the tea leaves, philosophical chaps unpicking the meaning. I am all in favour of meritocratic expertise—get the best and the brightest in, say I. But this is ridiculous.

Are there no women with political opinions or knowledge?  I have never ever felt so excluded from an election by gender. And no, I am not interested in Sam Cam's suddenly democratically enhanced wardrobe or Sarah’s tweets or Miriam’s boots. I don’t mind them being there, but don’t think you can buy me off with them. I just want women talking, thinking about politics—no doubt like the rest of half the electorate.