Covid-19: The unofficial UK inquiry—why did so many have to die?
From the early mess on test, track and trace to dangerous immunity theories, there’s plenty of blame to go round. But a lot of drift and delay seeped down from the top

How to fix the porn industry
Adult sites host abusive and illegal content. It’s time to start making them responsible for it

How to save aid
Catastrophic cuts have come at a moment of humanitarian crisis. But aid won’t be saved until we rethink what it is for

The rise of the internet novel
Patricia Lockwood and Lauren Oyler’s new novels grapple with the pathologies and pleasures of the internet—and remind us of the profound importance of life away from the screen

My rights, your wrongs: Nigel Biggar’s flawed attack on ‘human rights fundamentalism’
A new book’s attempt to critique the philosophy of human rights—and the “progressive zeal” of the judges who uphold them—ultimately fails to convince, says the former president of the Supreme Court
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