From Hartlepool to the hangman: the flag-wavers now running the Tory Party could take Britain back to the gallows
Eventually the new nationalists will need a new populist cause: a referendum on the death penalty is becoming a frightening possibility

The philosophy underpinning how money works
Whether it’s bullion or Bitcoin, its value always comes down to trust

Ursula von der Leyen: Europe’s second-rate first lady
On paper the President of the European Commission looked perfect for the job, but her talent isn't a match for her connections and the EU is paying the price

Michael Lewis on how to spot a crisis coming
Michael Lewis has spent decades chronicling the life of US institutions. He tells Jay Elwes why the US’s shocking failures on Covid-19 could have been avoided

Michel Barnier’s diaries show how he overachieved on Brexit
A blow-by-blow account by the former chief negotiator contains an important lesson: unbending rigour is not always the asset you might think
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