
World Thinkers 2015: Michel Houellebecq

Novelist. France

February 16, 2015
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© Mariusz Kubik Even before the Charlie Hebdo shootings, Houellebecq’s last novel Submission—which envisages an Islamist being elected head of France in 2022—was being talked about by President Francois Hollande; after, it sold 120,000 copies in five days. Houellebecq, a controversial figure, has been accused of stirring up anti-Muslim feeling in France. His defenders say his real target is the complacent and sterile culture of liberal France.

Further reading:Michel Houellebecq official siteInterview: Michel Houellebecq Susannah Hunnewell interviews Houellebecq about his life's work.Love thy clone I hate my father, I'm ambivalent about my son and I dislike myself, writes Houellebecq. Soumission by Michel Houellebecq review Houellebecq's new novel is an enthralling, stunningly pessimistic view of human nature from Europe’s premier misanthrope, writes Christopher de Bellaigue.